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​citrus fruits are  fruits that are characterized by having a high content of vitamin C and citric acid. This gives them that characteristic acid flavor. They provide us with few calories. In addition, they provide many other essential nutrients beyond vitamin C. Some of these nutrients are folic acid,  vitamin A, vitamin E, beta carotene, polyphenols and potassium.

Natural antioxidants for your skin  

Oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, limes, lemons... the citrus family is numerous and varied. Their  multiple benefits  make their daily consumption very interesting for good health. Their nutritional composition makes them powerful antioxidants whose most outstanding property is their ability to enhance skin care. Its daily consumption contributes to the cleaning and hydration of the epidermis. 

Vitamin C: the star nutrient of citrus fruits

Vitamin C is found in large quantities in each of the citrus fruits. It is a water-soluble vitamin, that is, it dissolves in water. For this reason, the excess amounts that one consumes of vitamin C, are eliminated from the body through the urine. The body cannot make vitamin C on its own, nor does it store it. Therefore, it is important to include foods rich in vitamin C in the diet to avoid its shortage in the body. 

Benefits of vitamin C and risks of a deficiency 

The recommended daily amount of vitamin C is 90 milligrams for adult men and 75 milligrams for adult women (World Health Organization, 2004). 

Due to its high content of antioxidants, vitamin C blocks the damage caused by free radicals. These are responsible for the aging process and may play a role in  diseases like  cancer , arthritis and heart disease.

Severe vitamin C deficiency can lead to a disease called scurvy. Scurvy causes anemia, generalized weakness, bleeding gums, gingivitis, bruising, and poor wound healing. 

Do you know all the varieties of citrus?

1. Oranges

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The  oranges  They are one of the most consumed fruits in the world. Us  They provide a significant amount of soluble fiber. Most of this fiber is found in the white pulp under the skin and between the segments. To make the most of its fiber content and avoid constipation, it is essential that you eat the whole orange, not juice. In addition, they contain a high amount of B complex vitamins. 

Among its varieties we find the navel orange, the Valencian, the Persian and the blood orange. Have you tried them all? 

2. Tangerines

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Mandarins are smaller than oranges, more flattened and with a more grainy skin. Its skin is easily detached and its pulp is highly flavored. It also provides us with folic acid, magnesium, calcium and potassium. 

The quality of these is lost if the maturation time passes on the tree. Among its varieties we find the clementine and the satsuma.

3. Limes and lemons

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The lemon tree flowers all year round and its varieties are classified according to the time of ripening of its fruits. Lemons have many uses in the kitchen: they are used to season, to cook food or to make liqueurs. Its aroma and essence is used especially in confectionery and pastry. The oils released from the lemon rind are used in confectionery and in the production of some drinks.

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